OMG, I can hardly believe it's been this long since my last post. Hmm, seems like me, jump on it while its a bonfire, but then the fire dies down to an ember and it just simmers inside me. I certainly keep thinking about getting back to it, but then the moment passes. Yet, here I am - let's see how long I can go this go 'round.
Was having a conversation with hubby last night and the thought came up, "do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Was in reference to not being affected by the bad behavior of others, and seeing everyone as another human being regardless of their situation. Here in my town we have an issue with homelessness, particularly downtown. It's a nice warm southern city, so we seem to attract lost of vagabonds. I use that name because most of the homeless actually seek out help from the powers that be and are staying at a refuge. But then we have those who basically are addicted to drink or drugs, and they are quite a handful. But I saw a man the other day who was obviously down on his luck, and I really took a long look at him, and saw he's just another guy, just another person, just different than me but really, no better, no worse. It helped give me back some perspective.
I realized that what was in him is within me, it's part of the human experience. Wow. Oh what it is to be human.